Diablo Valley School enrolls students age 4.75 to 19. Students are not always under direct supervision, thus they must be relatively self sufficient when it comes to communicating ideas, potty training, and physical self-restraint when processing emotions or disagreements.
Steps to enrollment
1. Learn about how our educational model works. Explore the resources on this site and/or attend an Open House.
2. Complete the online Admissions Visit Request Form to schedule a family admissions visit ($25 fee) during school hours. The visit may be digital or in person.
- If you are unable to fill out the online form, email the school and we can send you a PDF version.
3. Sign up for a visiting week for your child ($100).
- Requirements:
- Up to date immunization records (not the Covid vaccine).
- A negative antigen or PCR Covid test, (antigen no older than the day before their first visiting day, PCR no older than 3 days before the first visiting day).
4. After the visiting week is complete, attend a second family visit (no charge).
5. If all goes well during the visiting week and family admissions visits, and if everyone agrees that enrollment is appropriate, the enrollment packet can be filled out and returned to the school.
- Tuition payment is prorated based on the annual amount and the time of year the student enrolls.
- On occasion, the Admissions Committee or the family may request additional visiting weeks, $100 per week, before enrollment is discussed at the second family admissions visit.